7 simple changes to be a better you – more healthy, more happy
There was a time in life I struggled being over weight, having poor self esteem, lacked self confidence - if you can relate, this is for you.
In this article, am sharing with you 7 simple changes to kick start a healthy lifestyle right now. We are not looking at any special exercises or major diet changes but very key changes that you can start incorporating right away that is going to make a huge difference in your first step to staying healthy and happy.
Here they are:
Single tasking
Telling out that am a multitasker was something I took pride in for years, failing to realize what damage multitasking has been doing to me! When we multitask, we think we can finish more things, more faster. And that is what is expected out of us in our work places, in the society and even at home. However, when I moved to the new habit of single tasking, my stress levels came down dramatically, I felt less tired and sane, I became more productive and delivered better quality. I even started to lose weight! Single tasking is basically doing one thing at a time, focussing on that one task and giving your best at it.
Stop worrying
One of the biggest enemies of your immune system is worry and anxiety. The more you worry, the weaker your immune system gets. Most of us worry a lot about everything, and all the time. We worry about what’s going to happen next, what's going to happen tomorrow. It is so easy to get carried away with those things that bother us. Worrying really affects your health, your hormones, your blood pressure, your gut and so on. When I stopped worrying, I gradually noticed my skin getting better, my hair fall reduced, I felt stronger and happier in life. I started to ponder upon the word JOY. Started to realize what it means to rejoice. One of the best verses in the bible is, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Start by looking for things around you and within you. Things that would uplift you, things and moments that would lead your soul to rejoice. Look out for moments that can captivate your joy. When you start to be joyful about everything around you, even in the smallest things, you start to see how the world around you change and comes in line with your joy. By rejoicing, one of the greatest characteristics you would develop is contentment and that is definitely one of the key secrets to a healthier happier lifestyle.
Take Regular Breaks in Life
Am not talking about that one big holiday once a year. We live in a world where everyone is in a rat race, competing with one another, tons and tons of peer pressure, pressure to perform all the time. I really don’t think we were created to live in such a damaging sphere, we were created for much more! What if you had a life where you could go on a vacation every month or go to Hawaii every week! That would be awesome but quite unrealistic for most of us! What am saying is there is a human need and longing within us to take breaks in life. So why not bring the vacation to you more often than usual? Every week dedicate a day for just being lazy, do nothing that stresses you, keep that phone away, or go out somewhere nearby, walk around, explore or spend your day with someone who really cares about you. You can start by dedicating a weekend every month just to be away from your usual hustle. I have an hour everyday which I call my break hour and I just relax, no phone, no work, I do a relaxing hobby on my own and it has really helped me. Take breaks between your work, step out of that environment, go for a short walk. And once this becomes a habit, it becomes part of your life.
Surround yourself with those who genuinely care about you
There can only be two kinds of people in your life – those who genuinely care about you and those who don’t care about you, they could be your friends, family, coworkers, neighbours. Those who care about you can and will only have a positive effect on you. They will help you grow, they will encourage you no matter what, they will correct you. They are your well wishers, who will push you to achieve your dreams and goals. They will be there for you! They will dream with you. They are the ones who will stand by you in your tough times and they will celebrate your victories with you, big or small. They are ones you can reach out to. They will pray for you and with you. And the best part is you can wholeheartedly love them and care for them too without being judged. So its important to identify such amazing people in your life and be surrounded by them and remove the ones who really don't care about you. When I did that, I felt encouraged, my self esteem improved, I felt that am not judged anymore and I felt happier investing my time into the lives of those that genuinely cared about me.
Get more Sunlight
One of the main causes leading to depression is the lack of a hormone called Serotonin. When we are exposed to sunlight, this hormone is released in our brain. These hormones are the ones that helps to stay focused, make us feel calm, uplifts our mood and makes you more cheerful. Most of us who live an urban lifestyle spend a lot of time indoors. Sun is the greatest and free abundant source to produce Vitamin D in our body. Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for our healthy being. Vitamin D strengthens our bones, prevents cancer, heals thyroid, and heals our skin. Let me share a personal example, I had terrible acnes. However, when I started getting sufficient sunlight, the acnes stopped. Sunshine in general is positive energy. To enjoy the best of sunlight benefits, you just need to get 10-20 minutes of sunshine every day. And the best time to do that is before 10am or after 4pm. Vitamin D can be stored in your body for up to a year. So if you live in a cold country, make use of your summers well.
Get more sleep - this is one of my favourite
To sleep is to rest. For those of us who tirelessly work through out the day, getting a good sleep is a great gift. There was a time in my life where I slept only for about 4 hours and that did a lot of damage to me. However when I started sleeping more, a lot of things changed for good. When you sleep, your cells replenish and rejuvenate, thus reducing inflammation. It is good for the heart and brain and so many other benefits. When you proper sleep, you even lose weight! 7-8 hours of sleep everyday is ideal and keeping your phone away is definitely is a bonus.
Declutter regularly
This is something you hear a lot these days. It is quite natural for anyone to gather up things over time and that accumulates. A cluttered surrounding can clutter you mind as well. It affects the way you think, and the way you make decisions. One easy way you can declutter regularly is by joining a recycle group in your neighbourhood. If there is none, you can start one and can bless someone. Unless you start giving you don’t realize what people around you are really in need of. Another way to declutter is by putting things up on sale and the perk here is you can make some extra cash. It is just not things in your home that you need to declutter, there is so much more to declutter, which I will write about in another article.
Any new change takes 21 days to become a habit. Once you cross that, that change naturally becomes part of your lifestyle. So if you’re making a change, be consistent. Sometimes, it may even take longer, or may be try one change at a time. It is absolutely ok to be impatient but never get discouraged. Keep trying until you get there!
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